
Showing posts from January, 2012

Today's iPhone photo ... trade show edition!

Today's iPhone photo ... trade show edition!

Today's iPhone hike photo ...

Today's iPhone hike photo ...

Today's iPhone hike photo ... high on the Bridger Foothills Trail.

Today's iPhone hike photo ... high on the Bridger Foothills Trail.

Today's iPhone hike photo… Mount Ellis, in the January sun.

Today's iPhone hike photo… Mount Ellis, in the January sun.

The current primary coverage has reminded me about my favorite political anecdote, told four years ago to Joel Stein...

Originally shared by Randall Munroe The current primary coverage has reminded me about my favorite political anecdote, told four years ago to Joel Stein by former Republican candidate Tom Tancredo: In 2008, as now, the Ron Paul campaign attracted a pretty eccentric crowd. People would show up at campaign events in Revolutionary War getup, Guy Fawkes masks, or bikinis—and of course there was the famous Ron Paul blimp. After a debate in New Hampshire, one of Tancredo's staffers saw a guy standing around in a shark costume. "Are you a Ron Paul supporter?" asked the staffer. "No," replied the shark. "Those people are crazy. I'm just a guy in a shark suit."

Today's hike photo ... feels like winter!

Today's hike photo ... feels like winter!

Today's hike photo… a cold and grey day, but still good to be out.

Today's hike photo… a cold and grey day, but still good to be out.

According to the governor of Montana, demographers have concluded that the state's population now exceeds 1 million...

According to the governor of Montana, demographers have concluded that the state's population now exceeds 1 million people for the first time. There goes the neighborhood. :(

Today's hike photo ... the backdrop to my town:

Today's hike photo ... the backdrop to my town:

Today's hike photo ... from the same vantage point as saturday's shot.

Today's hike photo ... from the same vantage point as saturday's shot.

As a former Android smartphone user, I think this essay hits the nail right on the proverbial head:

As a former Android smartphone user, I think this essay hits the nail right on the proverbial head:

I occasionally mention to friends that I use Google+, and every once in a while the response I get includes a mildly...

I occasionally mention to friends that I use Google+, and every once in a while the response I get includes a mildly self-righteous statement about how evil Google supposedly is ... hence a reason for that friend to avoid G+. And almost invariably, those same people are very-heavy users of Facebook. Talk about throwing stones from a glass house.