Hmm ... the Google+ homepage just suggested that I add myself to one of my circles! Gotta love beta software. :)

Hmm ... the Google+ homepage just suggested that I add myself to one of my circles! Gotta love beta software. :)


  1. Well, as they say, you gotta love yourself before you can love others. So... what circle did you put yourself in!??

  2. Ha Ha!!! It keeps telling me to add the same people over and over even if they are in my circles already.

  3. The people it suggests for my circles are my gmail contacts, most of whom aren't going to do g+ and don't have Google accounts. I like them anyway, but is there any reason to put them in my circles? Other than entertaining myself by sorting and thinking up clever names for the new circles?

  4. Erica Brown You could set it up to email them every time you post ... and be really annoying!! :)

  5. Oh, good lord ... now G+ thinks I should be BFF with Wil Wheaton! Clearly, Google doesn't know me as well as they think. :)

    And Erica, if you add someone who's not on G+ to one of your circles, you can indeed have Google e-mail them notifications of all the posts to that circle. I guess I can see some potential uses for that, but yeah ... mostly annoying.


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