Just added another 8 GB or RAM to my iMac, and now life is worth living again.


  1. Did you do it yourself? Was it tricky? How much RAM did you have to start with? Inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Ridiculously easy, did it myself, and the RAM was only about $65.

    The thing had 4 GB in it before, not quite enough since I use Aperture to catalogue my photos, and simultaneously keep roughly a zillion browser windows open. Going up to 8 would have probably been plenty, but what the hell. :)

  3. no one on their death bed has ever said "ya know, I really had too much RAM."

  4. 640kb should be enough for everybody

  5. I need to do the same thing. Final Cut has been chugging, Where'd you buy the ram from?

  6. Theodore Stauffer -- Hey, my first computer only had 64k, and it screamed.

    Patrick Stephenson -- I've always bought RAM from Crucial, and been pretty satisfied; I don't even look anyplace else anymore. Another place that might be good to check, though, would be OWC.

  7. Nick Bell -- Not really ... Lion's speed and such seem pretty similar to Snow Leopard. The big reason is that I'm using Aperture more, and it really needs more than 4 GB to multitask well.

  8. good to hear that lion uses the same

  9. But why? You still use The-Evil-OS-That-Must-Not-Be-Named!

  10. I have access to a Mac Mini 2hz core 2 duo with 4 GB of ram


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