So Charlie the Dog and I did a long hike on Tuesday.

So Charlie the Dog and I did a long hike on Tuesday. Charlie was in the lead as always, and at one point I saw him stopped on the trail, intently staring off to the left ... and then he skittered away nervously. Turns out he'd nearly walked into a couple of moose! They snorted at us a little bit, and one of them made a half-hearted move on the dog, but eventually they decided we weren't the trouble. Of course, Charlie felt like a Mighty Hunter afterwards.


  1. OMG that would have been like totally AWESOME

  2. Nick Bell "Happy" was definitely not the word ... moose don't get happy.

    Felicia Friesema Yep, a mother and calf, I think ... which made me a little nervous, since moose are notoriously cranky.

  3. oh, so thats where I get that look from

  4. I think moose are pretty much always pissed ...


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