At a high-end electronics shop today, I overheard an earnest young salesman explaining all about computers to a new...

At a high-end electronics shop today, I overheard an earnest young salesman explaining all about computers to a new customer: "You can use three different operating systems on a computer -- Apple, HP, and Google."


  1. That needs a -1. Wild. I feel sorry for the technically lame out there shopping today or really any day. It must be so confusing.

  2. Susan -- As one of the technically lame, I accept your sympathy. I find the process to be very stressful.

  3. Scary, indeed! It's an interesting statement about our society, though ... computers have now become nearly essential for most Americans, but at the same time most Americans have absolutely no real understanding of how the things work. It's a rough situation for those people ... and there's no light at the end of the tunnel for them, either.

    Makes me grateful that I'm a geek! :)

  4. The geek who sold me my computer was more excited about my purchase than I was. He called it the "beast". Scott stood by looking very amused as the guy started babbling about computer stuff and my eyes glazed over. I believe that 3 of the 4 "brains" that my beast has will probably die from atrophy.

  5. Ooooo, a four-brained beast! I like it.

    And now that you've consented to giving the Beast a home, I think it's your moral obligation to exercise it regularly. :)

  6. Mark, will you help me stage an intervention for Debbie?

    (She refuses to load iTunes on her computer, fearing assimilation to the borg....)

  7. Leave Debbie alone!!! She is smart to keep iTunes away from all her stuff. I wasn't that smart and getting rid of it was not pretty. Debbie has great computing instincts!

  8. I'm telling you... one day when your iToaster takes over your house you will be glad that you have a non-assimilated home to come to ;)

  9. Geez, leave you guys alone for an hour and a religious war erupts!

  10. (And for the record, Debbie, you don't have to worry about iTunes, at all ... if only because once you've installed Windows on a computer, the machine's irrevocably lost, anyway. :-)

  11. G+ need a super +1 button called rim shot. I wudda used there, Mark Hufstetler

  12. Wha's wrong with iTunes? I love it... But I'm contemplating getting a Chromebook too....

  13. Angh, I think Windows users tend to see using an Apple product as being somehow blasphemous ... but I feel similarly about Microsoft products, so it's only fair.

    I really wanted a Chromebook for a while, but now I wonder if the cloud-dependence would be a little frustrating. And I probably have enough electronic toys ...

  14. I actually found iTunes invasive, disruptive (to my PC computing environment), very difficult to deal with, impossible to isolate and, in the end, massively horrible to get rid of. It was my first (and last) Apple product experience.

    And, yeah, the Chromebook is frustrating. I got mine for free so not quite so frustrating for me, tho :)

  15. Don't sugar coat it, Susan ... tell us what you really think! :)

  16. I pretty much learned on a Mac, and used one for a job I had once upon a time last century. But windows was cheaper...I've never had a problem with iTunes. The one time I lost everything, I called them on the phone and they restored everything . Never had any problem with it, otherwise.

    LOL I applied to get the free Chromebook, as did my buddy in
    Canada...neither of us ever heard a thing back. Anyway I will probably
    wait awhile to buy, after reading some of the forum complaints. I'm too
    tech challenged to put up with trouble when I'm on the road...but I really
    think it's a cool, simple solution to lots of stuff. I laughed and loved
    their promo vid re set up, update, may be little more than a
    dummy terminal...but I'm a dummy and that's how I wanna roll when I go on vacations. S


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