Facebook went public today. Now it's YOUR turn!

Originally shared by Mike Elgan
Facebook went public today. Now it's YOUR turn!
The overwhelming majority of Google+ users, as far as I can tell, never post to "Public." Every post is narrowly addressed to known family and friends who have Google+ accounts.
It's time to go public.
It's also time to go beyond Google+. Here's what I mean:
Starting today, let's all (including YOU), make two changes to how we use Google+:
1. From now on, unless your post is genuinely private or personal, address it to "Public" instead of just your own circles. Your circles will still get it, but when they do they might share it. The world won't end. You won't be embarrassed or exposed. At first, your circles are probably the only ones who will see it anyway. But becoming comfortable with going "Public" is a great way to eventually expand your circles and increase your enjoyment of Google+.
2. Take a few minutes today to add all your family and friends who are not on Google+ to your "Family" and "Friends" circles. All you need is their email address, and they'll get your posts as emails. (Note that they'll only get the posts addressed to the circles they're in -- they will not get an e-mail when you post only to "Public." If you want them to get your "Public" posts, then you'll need to add their circles to the addressing also, or add individual e-mail addresses.)
When you post to "Public," that means your circles can "use" your post by re-sharing it. People might discover and circle you, and you'll meet really awesome new people. When you add your non-Google+ using family and friends, you complete your circles.
Facebook went public today. And you should go public, too. Not for your circles. Not for Google. Do it for yourself. Going public is how you get the most out of Google+.
If you've never posted publicly on Google+, I want you to post something and address it to "Public" right now. Let's see your "initial public offering!"
Please use the hashtag #gopublic
(Pic props: http://www.flickr.com/photos/billiejoesentourage/3730330633/ )
More or less everything I've ever posted on Google+ has been public … and nobody's ever shared any of it anywhere. :'(
ReplyDeleteBut the only thing you've posted in the last couple of months is an announcement that you'd ripped the crotch of your pants! And you didn't even include a photo ...
ReplyDeleteGood point.