Book filled with stories of Glacier


  1. Mark - did you read the book? What are your thoughts?

  2. I honestly think it's a great book, but need to give you a disclaimer:  I'm the author of four of the essays in the volume.  :)

    For someone who really wants a more intimate knowledge of the park than what the standard tourist guidebooks offer, this volume and the centennial anthology ("A View Inside Glacier National Park:  100 Years, 100 Stories") are both wonderful reads.

  3. Well, I'm definitely interested. It's not available on Amazon right now - will it be in the future? Have you read Seasonal Disorder by Pat Hagan? He has some great stories as well..

  4. I know that the Glacier Park Foundation is working to expand distribution before this summer's visitor season, but I'm not sure of all the details.  For now, I think it's just available on Hulu, and some Glacier-area bookstores.

    I used to know Pat, and his book is great!  All kinds of fun to read.  Some of the ones in this volume are a little more historical ... the reminiscences range throughout the years of the 20th Century.

  5. Ha ha, I hope the statute of limitations has run out on some of those stories, Mark. Or did you only include the tamer ones?!

  6. Ha! There are a number of stories in that book that would have never seen the light of day without a Statute of Limitations. As far as I know, none of them involved your lovely wife, though ...


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