Here's a photo from a few days ago, of my Subaru's new car smell being professionally erased.

Here's a photo from a few days ago, of my Subaru's new car smell being professionally erased.

Like the ads say ... Dog Tested, Dog Approved!


  1. I'd give anything for my car to smell like my dog again...what an awesome bunch of passengers you have, here!

  2. You guys would be less appreciative if you knew that the dog on the left rolled in fresh cow manure not long after this photo was taken.

    But still -- every good car needs a good dog, or three.

  3. What's wrong with fresh cow manure?
    I sit in the driver's seat with that in my hair often times!  Dogs wear it better...

  4. Mary, you and my dog Charlie would get along famously!  And that's a compliment.  :)

  5. :)  
    Charlie's a classy hound...


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